Saturday, November 6, 2010

get. outta. my. way. this is the relaunch!

well hello there. long time, no post. so happy to be back. in fact, the only thing that could make me happier right now is being one of those random babies in the sweet sweet arms of ricky martiin. mama. mama.

summer came and went and a lot of boxes were left unchecked: tan, boyfriend, sobriety, keeping up the blog, etc, etc.

BUT with the beginning of winter upon us, i am back. mostly because i still don't have a boyfriend, it's cold outside, and i'm too lazy to dress myself weather-appropriate. so i sit here in bed having just ordered a bacon ranch rodeo burger on seamless web and updating the blog. all for you gays. all. for. you.

today i offer five new hits that will for sure make you put down that cinnamon ginger bread man latte and get your ass on a treadmill. download away. i guarantee you wont be disappointed.

get it gays. GET IT...

click on comments for the download folder link. enjoyyyyyy

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